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How I spent my November 1

So it was All Saints Day, I went to the place where I was born - Aloguinsan, Cebu. Some of you for sure are not familiar with the place. Well, it's located somewhere in the southwest part of Cebu. Anyhow, I am not going to talk much about the place, but rather the wonderful encounter with old folks. Yes, all of the sudden memories of my elementary years came back. I was 7 years old then.

After I went at the cemetery, I met Jonathan aka Athan, my best friend since grade 3. Then we had lunch at a certain carenderia, and also met some old folks there - they were Aning and Majid. After we ate lunch, we headed to Bojo River then I remembered Meshiel, my classmate since grade 1 told me she'll catch up with us. And so I told Athan, and we changed direction to - Esperanza a place where we thought Meshiel is currently staying. While on our way and just entered the barangay, I received her reply telling me that she's at her aunt's house in Bliss. It was an adventure though. Sort of an Off Road adventure! It was my first time to see the beautiful place in Aloguinsan - we passed barangay Tampa-an and reached barangay Esperanza - where I saw virgin forests. Yes, a beautiful virgin forest amidst the municipality. But then, we have to return.

And so, we went to Bliss cemetery and waited Meshiel there since she was attending a mass with her relatives. While waiting, Athan and I were still chatting about random stuffs since elementary, reminiscing our childhood years and the likes. After the mass, we went to Mesheil's place and then went to Athan's place and then decided to go to Pinamungajan and have some snacks - which turned out to be a heavy snacks, for we ate barbecue and puso^ - it was yummy! It was Athan's treat. Then, Athan decided to drive me home w/ Meshiel at Toledo since it's just few kilometers away from Pinamungajan. The 3 of us continue chatting while on the road until we reached my place. Then I let them watched the short film - Papil sa Panganduy.

Time flies very fast. We had a lot of things to talk about, but too little time. Anyhow, we all still had fun! That day was really unplanned and unexpected. I explored new places, met old good friends, cemetery trips, food trips and a bit of road trip!

Hope to see you folks this coming December!

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